Do you wish you could hire a house cleaning service to give you one less thing on your to-do list? House cleaning is definitely a “splurge” for many, and may be challenging to add into your monthly budget. What you may not realize however, is that it may be possible to add to your monthly budget! Here are some ways you may be able to save some money:

  1. Let’s talk about your love for coffee! Now, before you roll your eyes at me- let me explain! I know, I know- coffee is not something you’re willing to part with, and I don’t blame you! My question for you though is- how many times per week do you stop at your local coffee shop? Do you know how much you spend per week on coffee? According to a 2017 study, the average American spends roughly $1,100 a year. If you break that down, that’s about $3 each day. That’s$21 a week. If we go off of those numbers (though I’m guessing yours may be higher!) you could save about $80 per month. All you have to do is make your morning coffee at home!
  2. What about your eating out habits? How often do you swing through the drive-through on the way home from work? Or how often do you go out to dinner with family and friends? I’m not saying that you should drastically cut out your social life, but rather be more aware of your spending on food. According to one article we found, the average person spends $2,792 per year on food, or $233 per month, or $54 per week, or $7.65 per day on food.
  3. What about those impulse buys you make at places like Target, or Amazon? We’re all guilty of this at one time or another. You see something that you think you absolutely need to have or want and you buy it. It doesn’t help that sites like Amazon make it as easy as one click to buy something. By keeping a closer eye on your spending habits on items that aren’t necessities you could save quite a bit of money per month.

Adding monthly our bi-weekly house cleaning services to your budget may be more possible than you thought! It’s all about prioritizing what is most important to you. If you sit down and look at your spending habits and create a monthly budget plan that you can stick to, you might just find that extra money that you need to splurge on a house cleaner!

At Everyday Helper, our house cleaning services are probably more affordable than you thought. We’d love to provide you with a free quote! Reach out to us via our contact form and let’s chat!

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