Everyday Helper has been growing since the idea for this business first came about, but over the course of the last year, we have really grown a lot. From adding several new faces to our team, to adding new services, we have made a lot of progress. Today, we are going to tell you about a new area of growth and another product we have to offer you.

Something we have noticed about Everyday Helper is that many of our customers like to buy gift certificates and even house cleaning services for their friends and family in the corridor area. It is a great present to give a little extra help to someone you care about.

Since there has been such an interest in our gift cards, we have decided to add another gift option: gift baskets. Our team has come up with some creative ideas so you can give gift baskets to the ones you love on special occasions. We plan to offer gift baskets for birthdays, holidays and other special occasions. Let us know what gift basket options you are most excited for!

Those birthday and holiday gift baskets will be available to you soon, but right now, we have gift baskets to celebrate moving in to a new home. Check out exactly what comes in these gift baskets below.

Gift Basket: Welcome to Your New Home!

This is the first gift basket that we have to offer you. If you have someone you know that is moving into a new home, you can provide them with a welcome home gift basket from Everyday Helper. This gift basket includes many features that are practical for a home owner.

The following items are included in the gift basket: Cleaning bucket, roll of paper towels, container of Clorox wipes, 2 sponges, to-do list notepad, hammer, air freshener, scissors, box of band aids, and a pack of picture hanging hooks. You can buy this gift basket for just $24.99. Contact us at Everyday Helper to learn more or to order your gift basket today!

Also, don’t forget to tell us what other gift baskets you would like to see. We plan on coming out with gift baskets for all types of occasions like Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and even just a basket to show someone you’re thinking of them. We can even deliver your gift baskets locally around the Coralville area.

As always, we want to thank you, our amazing customers, for your support as we go through this period of growth. We are always looking to give you products and services to make your life easier and more enjoyable. That is why we are starting to create gift baskets for all occasions. Let us know what you think of this idea, and we hope you have a very happy holiday season!

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