Our Companion Care Services

My name is Kelly Sedlacek, and I am the owner of Everyday Helper.

I’m often asked about why I started Everyday Helper.

The answer is simple, I wanted to provide services in the community I was born and raised in that make a difference. No matter how small that difference may be.

In 2015 I became inspired by some of the last words of my grandmother about how if there had only been more affordable services in the area, she would have been able to have stayed in her own home longer.

After losing my grandma in May of 2015, I decided to step outside of my comfort zone, follow my heart, and do what I knew I was meant to do with my life. I took my love of business and my love of helping others and in July 2015 opened Everyday Helper. The rest is history.

Everyday Helper is so much more than a business to me. It’s my passion and I’m so honored that each and every day myself and my team of helpers who share my vision get to serve our community and help others!

