The countdown is on to the start of the new school year, and it’s time to get prepared! Here are 5 of my favorite tips/tricks to get your school year off to a great, clean, and healthy start!
- The Daily wipe-down- Get into the habit of taking a few minutes every day to wipe down surfaces in your home to defend against unwanted germs. This includes kitchen and bathroom countertops, school bags, lunch boxes, the kitchen table or breakfast bar, doorknobs, light switches, the TV remote, and more!
- Keep the kitchen fresh- Once a week, make sure all of your food is still fresh and edible. Check both the fridge and pantry cabinets. Whatever has expired or staled should be trash so that you can make room for upcoming leftovers and new grocery items. Give the shelves a nice wipe down, make a list of what you need for meals and snacks for the upcoming week, and hit the store! This keeps your kitchen cleaner, it helps you stay organized by planning out your week’s meals in advance, and it helps you stick to a budget!
- Get the clothes closet ready- Back to school clothes shopping is a big to-do come August. Before you go out and replenish your child’s wardrobes, start by going through their clothes and donating anything too small or too worn out that can’t be worn this school year again. Create a list of what you need and any replacement pieces you want to purchase. Don’t forget to take advantage of end-of-season and Labor Day sales!
- Laundry-Stay ahead of the laundry buildup and come up with a laundry schedule that works for your family’s busy lifestyle. Try tackling a few loads of laundry throughout the week so that you don’t find yourself stuck inside doing laundry all weekend long! And don’t forget to wash those bedsheets regularly!
- Create a quiet and tidy homework area- Having a special place for your child to do their homework is crucial to their success. This will be a space where they can focus, and they know it’s time for business. When creating this space, pick a spot that offers natural light if possible. Don’t forget to clear the clutter daily. This space needs to be tidy and clean so that they can focus on their work. Keep the area organized by storing their supplies with the proper desk accessories. Finally, making time for this homework station part of the daily routine. Whether it’s right when they get home or after dinner, it’s essential to their success to establish a daily set routine.
Have some favorite Cleaning Tips/Tricks of your own? We’d love to hear them!
Have a great school year!