For many of us, fall brings crisp, cool days, plumes of brightly-colored leaves, and farm stands to the brim with pumpkins and apple cider. These changes not only embody the transition from summer to winter; they also remind us that the holiday season has arrived. Holiday entertaining can be a treat or a chore (or both). By getting a head start preparing your home for guests, you can minimize the stress of entertaining and maximize your enjoyment of it. Use these cleaning and organizational tips to get your home looking and working at its best this fall!

Clean the Outside 

Fall is the perfect season to deep clean the outside of your home. Maintaining the exterior of your home enhances its appearance and durability – it also provides a wonderful excuse to spend time outside and make the most of the mild temperatures and beautiful fall foliage. But in addition to raking those colorful leaves off your lawn, it’s important to make sure your home is structurally prepared for cold weather.

Cleaning out your gutters will prevent ice dams from forming, reducing the risk of water damage in your home when the ice melts. Draining water from outdoor faucets and sprinklers and disconnecting outdoor hoses will prevent pipes from bursting when temperatures drop below freezing. And winterizing your pool and your roof will protect them when snow begins to fall. 

Clean the Inside

If you plan to entertain over the holidays, get a head start on cleaning. By deep cleaning the inside of your home well before you plan to have company, you ensure that your event is as enjoyable for you as it is for your guests. Take time to clean parts of your home that may be neglected throughout the year, such as vents, storage rooms, and your garage.

It’s also a good idea to air out your home by opening doors and windows and allowing fresh air to circulate (another reason why fall is the perfect time to clean!). In order to be absolutely prepared for guests, clean and organize guest rooms so that they are ready to go. 


As temperatures drop, most of us spend more time in the warmth and comfort of our homes. Take advantage of this time inside by using it to declutter. From beach chairs to swimwear to gardening supplies, you likely have summer items taking up space in your home. And now that summer’s over, you probably have a good idea of what you actually needed (and what you didn’t). By donating or selling unused items, you’ll ensure they are being put to good use while reducing clutter in your home. 

Organize Decorations 

Whether you do it for your guests, your kids, or yourself, decorating for the holidays can be a lot of fun. But this fall, as you haul boxes of pumpkins, cinnamon brooms, wreaths, ornaments, and colorful lights out of storage and dig through them to find the items you’re looking for, consider whether you really need all of your seasonal decor. To ease this part of the decluttering process, simply use the decorations you want to use and donate or sell any seasonal items that you didn’t use. Then, organize the items you do want to hold onto following these tips:

Use Bins

Separate your decorations into bins according to season or occasion. Organizing your decorations into bins will make it easy for you to find what you’re looking for, and by stacking bins, you’ll be able to maximize your storage space. 

Label Everything

Once your decorations are separated into bins, be sure to label each one so you know what’s inside!

Buy Specialized Organizers

By using specialized organizers such as ornament holders, you’ll keep fragile items in excellent condition and reduce the amount of space they take up. 

Donate Unused Items

While holiday gift-giving is a wonderful and fulfilling tradition that many look forward to, it can add up to a lot of clutter. Between buying gifts for loved ones and taking advantage of Black Friday deals, many of us do a lot of shopping during the holiday season. Plus, as those parents among us know, a change in season means buying new clothes for growing kids.

This fall, prepare for an influx of new gadgets, toys, and clothes by donating or selling unused items. This way, you declutter your home and reduce waste by giving unused items a second life with a new owner.  

Need Help?

We understand that cleaning and organizing your home for the holidays requires a lot of time and energy. That’s why it’s beneficial to start early and get help if you need it. Everyday Helper offers a wide range of services–including house cleaning, errand running, transportation, dog walking, lawn care, and much more–to ease your workload and save you time. We’d love to help you this fall so that you can make the most of this wonderful time of year!

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